Thursday, January 13, 2011

Recipe 51: Red Grapefruit Sorbet

Challenge 1: Find red grapefruits and get enough to make 2 cups of grapefruit juice...Most lemons yield about a 1/2 cup of juice. How much do grapefruits yield? Second...the red grapefruits have red skins, right? So, why can't I find any individual ones, even at Meijer. I finally gave in and bought a 5# bag. Six grapefruits should give me enough juice, and they're red, plus they're marked. I came home to look at James and say, "You like red grapefruit, right?"

"As long as you get me a grapefruit spoon," he replies. Hmmm...should be easy, except Meijer stopped carrying silverware, and its not in the gadget aisle that I can find. We shall revisit the spoon. I promise.

Next challenge, time. I reviewed the recipe. Black pepper, with red grapefruit, hmmm....this could be interesting. The recipe seems easy enough, except I need to chill the simple syrup blend overnight and get crushed ice for the ice cream maker. I had better start making ice.

James helps me crush the ice, he's a little gentler at ice crushing than I seem to be, though this is great for relieving frustration. Now, how much ice is enough to fit in the ice cream maker? Keep crushing ice, hmmm...could have used an ice crusher, alas, I don't have one. I'm lucky to have the ice cream maker.

Now to layer the rock salt and ice and I hope I did it right. 30 minutes later, when the ice cream maker stops agitating, it appears I did make it right. Tastes sweet and tart too, Now I put the lid on, and finish freezing the sorbet in the freezer overnight.

We had a nice after dinner treat that is pretty good, with a simple sweet tart flavor, and a nice way to enjoy some red grapefruit flavor. And yes, it comes out pink;-).

Now back to the grapefruit spoon. I check around Meijer again, nothing. I go to Witbeck's, nothing. I check other stores I'm at, and nothing. Does no one eat grapefruit anymore. I haven't been to Goodwill lately, where I'm sure someone donated one, but I haven't had time to check.

Finally, while buying a friend's bridal shower gift, I remember to check Target. They have a set of two, with cute little yellow handles. I buy them. While making the sorbet and I think about making another batch, James runs off with one grapefruit spoon, and the rest of the grapefruits. I think he'll like this recipe, then.

I will make this recipe again, especially with the ice cream maker, and not having to worry about metal coffee cans. James liked the flavor of what he has tried so far, here's hoping he lets me take some home...;-).

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