Sunday, August 29, 2010

Recipe 7: Roasted tomato Tapenade

Yum, yum, yum...will have to make this again, but when I have friends over. Its a great party dish, but James does not much like Kalamata olives, and he says he's not picky. So I went to Grand Rapids to visit some friends and gave them the choice out of the three recipes I had planned. Melissa came over to Andrea's and since she was kind of a guest, and because she's pregnant long enough to have announed the baby(and has been having trouble with vegetables) she got to pick the first recipe of the weekend. So, here we are. This was a pretty easy recipe to make, with a little waiting for the roasting of the tomatoes. Only the kalamata olives were expensive-$6.00 for a jar, but I needed a quarter cup or about 10 olives. With my love of olives, I may have used twelve or more for this dish. Add in some herbs, kosher salt, and freshly  ground black pepper, and you have a dish worth the effort. It was very good, and andrea and melissa both liked it. I'll definitely make this again, especially since I have kalamata olives, and its easy.

Oh, and my sister-in-law just handed me a bag of tomatoes and a bag of apples...Where were these in the last two weeks? Alas, I'll check other recipes and make some again...right after I put some pie crust to rest for this week's quiche.  Plus, the roasted tomatoes on their own were incredible.

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